Crime is not lack of disciplinary measures inflicted by the legal or police, prisons, judges, and our youth. The cause of crime is society itself as provoked by corruption and insanity of government. The youth is not at fault for their actions. Rising violence crime is a symptom disease of decadent with which humanity is terminally infected. Crime accumulates so much from the harmless to the more dangerous and punishable situations.
Drinking and drug abuse from teens today have become more common and increases on a daily basis. Teens in school all hang out together so often and think if their friends and peers do it they can too. Especially after games to celebrate and sometimes get out of hand on occasions. According to U.S.A TODAY 58% of students drink beer and 47% drink liquor once a week. That’s not all, 25% use marijuana once a week as well too and all percentages are increasing as we live today. There’s not to much society can do about it now since it pretty much seems age doesn’t seem to stop others from doing it. Although, parenting and choosing your friends carefully can help out slightly. Marijuana is legal to some for medication purposes so, will be out to the public for a long while. The drinking situation can be prevented and if not well don’t drink and drive.
Teen pregnancy is a societal problem, a family problem, and a personal problem all rolled into one. While the pregnant teenage girl is the one who stands to suffer the most from the circumstance in the short run, many more problems loom over the horizon. Her family, her child, and often many of her family members will pay a high price for the indiscretion that led to the pregnancy. Certainly, the man involved in the process should be held accountable in a variety of ways. Whether he stand up to his responsibility or not, often the costs associated with teenage pregnancy is still off of the chart financially, emotionally, and in many other ways.
Perhaps the trouble is that societies problems are mostly only the concern of those who fall prey to such problems. Many citizens will live out their lives without want of anything, and never fall victim of a crime or become impoverished. Is this a good sign, or maybe an excuse for inaction? In the future, mankind may learn to think more of others instead; however, for now, it seems enough for many to either contribute to the problem, or simply stay out of it.