Have you ever had One of those teacher’s? Do you know the type I mean? That amazing teacher who always went the extra mile to help you figure out the solution to the tough problems, or even the one who always seemed to make the problems that much tougher just to mess with you. In my experiences I have had both, and if I were to choose the type of teacher that had to teach my children I would want the teacher who went the extra mile. The teacher who believes that all students have the ability to succeed and become members of the elite. The teacher who helps students to learn to think for themselves not just act like parrots and repeat the information verbatim. Teachers who teach hands on and get the students interested …show more content…
The education process needs to make a change toward the problem posing approach with more hands on learning for the students that will cause them to ask the difficult questions and think outside the box to come up with the answer. Thus the only way to become the new found leaders in society and reach the pinnacle of life. Continuing that process for generations to follow so that life will become more fulfilling for our children and grandchildren and their children and so on and so on. As stated by Paulo Freire in chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed “problem-posing education, as a humanist and liberating praxis, posits as fundamental that the people subjected to domination must fight for their emancipation. To that end it enables teachers and students to become Subjects of the educational process by overcoming authoritarianism and an alienating intellectualism; it also enables people to overcome their false perception of reality. The world – no longer something to be described with deceptive words – becomes the object of that transforming action by men and women which results in their humanization” (freire par.