Some of the ways I will conduct my investigation, is to compile a list of all our wants and in another list, all our needs. Out of the needs list I will look into ways to cut back spending on each of those bills. For example: if our internet is a need, but the cable is a want, we could possibly look into cutting back our cable package or eliminating it all together until our finances get back on track. Another possibility to look into is making the internet a want, and using the library as a resource to do schoolwork until finances get back on track. For the bills that are needs, such as electric and other utilities, possibly trying to conserve and look for ways to save on those bills may also benefit our family. There are also some companies that offer budget bills, where they take the average of your monthly bill for a year and break it up throughout the month. The wants, while they are nice, are not needed to be able to live comfortably. Instead of spending $40 going out to eat, you can spend half of that and still have a nutritious meal at home.
We will overcome the struggles of this problem by knowing in our heads that it is just temporary and when I get a job, we can go back to the way we were used to doing things when there were two incomes. This solution was met with quite a bit of negative energy, even from the adults, but in time we were able to come to the realization that we are not as bad off as we would have been, had we not reworked our budget.