12 November 2013
Problems in Poverty “The poverty of the poor is their destruction”, says the Book of Proverbs. As in any story there are two sides to be told. It is neither the rich man nor the poor man’s fault but rather a compilation of responsibility on both sides. Stories on the television or articles in the newspaper inform American’s frequently on the issue of poverty in this country. The types and studies of American’s living in poverty is on the rise. There are children going without food each day. There are families who are forced to live on the street, or out of their cars. There is much work to be done if the leaders and citizens desire to better this situation and ensure that all people are living equally and not forced to live without necessities. So where is America headed today? Let’s look closer at poverty in America. First let’s define what it means to live in poverty. According to the NCCP, “Families and their children experience poverty when they are unable to achieve a minimum, decent standard of living that allows them to participate fully in mainstream society. One component of poverty is material hardship. Although we are all taught that the essentials are food, clothing, and shelter, the reality is that the definition of basic material necessities varies by time and place. . . To achieve a minimum but decent standard of living, families need more than material resources; they also need “human and social capital”. Human and social capital include education, basic life skills, and employment experience, as well as less tangible resources such as social networks and access to civic institutions.” These non-material resources allow families to get by, and essentially to get ahead. The ability to have engagement with society and quality services (such as medical care, and education) and to expand social systems and connections will ultimately allow families to increase their earnings potential and acquire advantages.