What a blissful experience it is when a newborn baby is brought home from the hospital for the first time, nothing is more rewarding then holding your baby in your arms. No matter how much you love your child there comes a time when you don't want to hold them as close to you; it is the time when you realize that you must change your little ones diaper. Changing a child's diaper is not something that anyone looks forward to do. At the same time, it is a task that all parents must take the time to learn beforehand, so that the experience is as quick and soothing as possible for the baby.
Changing a child's diaper is simple once you get the hang of it. Make sure that you have your diaper, wipes and creams right next to you so that you don't have to leave your child unattended to go get them while in the process of removing the diaper. Under no circumstances should you leave your child unattended. Leaving the baby could be very dangerous, if he/she were to roll off the changing table it could lead to serious injuries. Once you have everything ready for the diaper change, all you need to do is get the child to lie down; which sometimes can be a task in itself depending on the age of the baby. Once you have the child lying down, loosen the tabs of the diaper, and take a look to see what kind of situation you are dealing with. If the diaper is just wet you have gotten off easy. On the other hand, if the child has a full diaper, you have and unpleasant task to take on.
Next, with the front of the diaper that isn't dirty, wipe down from front to back of the child's private region to remove any excess waist. Then, fold it over and tuck it under the child's bottom. This keeps the waste from spreading onto the surface the child is laying on. Now with the wipes you will need to clean the child's bottom. It is best to wipe downwards from the front to back, make sure that you have gotten the child’s bottom as clean as possible to avoid infections.