PROCESS RECORDING GRADING SHEET | | Possible Points | Actual Points | I. Setting | Describe setting | 2 | | II. Interaction | Record interactions (6 interactions)Describe non-verbal behavior of patientDescribe non-verbal behavior of student | 1233 | | III. Interpretation | Relate patient’s perceived feelingsRelate student’s thoughts & feelings Explain identified coping methods or defense mechanisms related to patient behaviors | 884 | | IV. Critique & Rationale | Identify technique and rationale usedIdentify one or more blocks and give an example of a more therapeutic response | 155 | | V. Summary | Identify most significant patient themeEvaluate student nurse’s emotional responseDetermine patient’s level of development according to EriksonExplain patient’s level of need according to MaslowCompare patient’s perception of needs to the nurse’s perception of the patient’s needs | 52224 | | Up to 10% may be deducted for spelling, grammar, legibility and neatness | | | Total Points | 75 | | Comments | | |
Communication can facilitate the development of a therapeutic relationship or serve as a barrier to block its development. Blocks are any factors that may cause the nurse consciously or unconsciously to hinder the patients expression. Therapeutic communication is to help the patient express thoughts and feelings so that his/her needs can be identified. The nurse should use the elements of the communication process and utilize specific skills or techniques. In order to do this, the nurse must have the ability, to perceive and communicate accurately and with sensitivity, the feelings of the patient and the meaning of those feelings.
To facilitate verbalization of the patient’s feelings To describe accurately, nonverbal communication in the nurse-patient interaction To analyze the verbal and nonverbal data To identify techniques of