August 23, 2011
How to read a topographic map.
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: As a result of my speech my audience will be able to clearly read and identify parts of a topographic map.
Central Idea: To read a topographic map correctly one should follow four important steps: study the title of your map; examine your legend; study the contour lines; and view the map in 3D.
Introduction: I. Topographic maps are not just any ordinary map. There are a few rules that a topographic map must obey, and once you understand these rules and how to read the map it can become an extremely useful and easy to use tool. II. The ability to read maps can save your life if you find yourself lost. III. According to the Visordown News 67% of people under the age of 25 can’t read a map. IV. You can follow four easy steps to avoid being lost. A. First, study the title of your map B. Second, examine your legend C. Third, study the contour lines D. Fourth, view your map in 3D
Transition: So let us look at the first step.
I. (First Step) Study the title of your map. –(Show poster) A. Read the title 1. Notice that some map titles give out locations to help readers understand. 2. Gather information about the title. B. Notice the theme being presented 1. If the title is long it will be easier to understand. 2. If the title is short it may be harder for a new map reader to grasp its intentions. C. Notice all other text 1. Titles can be understood better by looking at legends, dates, and even the cartographer’s name. 2. The other text on the map will be important in understanding your title.
Transition: Once you understand your title and what your map is being used to show, you are ready for to examine your legend. II. (Second Step) Examine your legend. A. Look at the symbols. 1. Make sure to get a general idea of what each symbol
Cited: "Map Reading - Basics of Map Reading." Geography Home Page - Geography at About.com. 02 Mar. 2011. Web. 12 Sept. 2011. <http://geography.about.com/od/studygeography/a/mapparts.htm>. "Young Adults Can 't Read Maps - Motorcycle News: Bizarre - Visordown." Visordown - Motorbike Reviews | Motorbike News | Motorcycle Forums. 8 July 2011. Web. 12 Sept. 2011. <http://www.visordown.com/motorcycle-news-bizarre/young-adults-cant-read-maps/18507.html>.