The influx of wide ranges of consumable into the Nigerian market has provided a corresponding wide range of choice to the consumers. The competitive nature of the market place has therefore become a significant factor that producers can only ignore to their own peril.
The purchasing power of the consumers is also affected by the economy of the Nation. It is as a result of the se factors that manufacturers must of necessity know the product
Category to which their products belong. The hostility in the marketing environment suggests that the producers have no option other than to employ aggressive marketing drive in order to survive competition in the face of the declining purchasing power of the consumers. It is in the light of this, that product classification become one of the most potent technique for determining the survival or extinction of products in the hand of the producers.
Consumers at times may want to minimize the shopping time. This should] be -a signal to the producer on the retail outlet to adopt, that is, whether door step delivery or supermarket sales is necessary. It is the responsibility of the producer to fashi on out a channel of distribution that with make the product accessible to the consumers. This again pre – supposes that the buying behavior of the consumers must be studied for appropriate channel selection. Goods that are bought infrequently is “used up” quite slowly. This explains why consumers can afford to allot a considerable amount of time and effort to the buying decision so as to consider the gains and costs of the time and effort devoted to buying the product. The implication of the buying behavior on the part of the producer is that the retail outlet should be minimized for the products. There are other cases of products in which the consumer already has a brand in mind; the special purchasing effort is just