Keyword: Product life cycle is the stages through which a product or its category bypass. From its introduction to the marketing, growth, maturity to its decline or reduce in demand in the market. Not all product reach this final stage, some continues to grow and some rise and fall.
1. INTRODUCTION a product since introduced to the market to be drawn into the market.
Need to known that, in fact all consumers basically disloyal, because they literally back to nature / consumers who always want something better and better, so it 's not in the consumer goods consumers are not loyal, consumer products well beyond consumer goods disloyal . The problem is the extent to which the effectiveness of the business market in the attack, while many of them do not understand the product itself when viewed from the side of competitiveness, distribution, and uptake of the market. It could happen due to the possibility of biased information from his team. Even more crucial is the most ineffective in maintaining its product life cycle.
There is a real case of one company X (have many businesses) are very aggressive acquisition of a Y, which actually has a superior product or it can be regarded pioneer for this type of product. And the product can be said to be in phase growth (growing / developing) near mature (adult) at the time. Interval of only a few years (1-2 years) after the Y in the acquisition, superior product is already in the phase shift rapidly decline (decrease) of control, especially coupled with the presence of a rival product from competitors, but the price offered is more expensive than competitor
References: : 1. Doni Adriansah, Hubungan Strategi Pemasaran Berdasarkan Product Life Cycle 2. Kotler, Philip dkk., 2003, Marketing Management An Asian Perspective, Edisi Ketiga, Singapore: Prentice Hall Pearson Education Asia Pte Ltd. 3. M. A. Susanti 4. eBizz Asia