Working Title:
Product Type (book, monograph, pamphlet, textbook, e‐book, app, etc.): Author(s) information:
Full Name:
Job Title:
Work Affiliation:
Business Address:
Business Email/Phone/Fax:
Primary Author Contact (if more than one author):
Subject Matter
Please tell us briefly the topic of your product:
What is the source of this product (original research, committee/section work, conference‐related material spinoff, etc.): Please outline your reasons for proposing a new product in this area:
What makes your product unique? Please list 3 to 5 major features:
Please list the proposed contents of your product, including a full table of contents with section and sub‐ section headings:
Please identify the audience for your product (please include all applicable professional categories): Primary market (people you feel absolutely need your product): Secondary market (people likely interested in your product and with an occasional need for it):
Manuscript Information (if applicable)
Approximately how many double‐sided pages do you expect your book to contain?
What is the estimated timeframe for delivery of the completed manuscript?
Please list any special physical features you would expect to include (tables, illustrations, problems/solutions, photographs, spectra etc): Do you plan to include color pictures? If so, please describe briefly: Which software will you be using to prepare your manuscript?
Textbooks (if applicable)
For which specific courses is your book written? Please describe:
Would your book be for main adoption, supplementary reading, or recommended reading?
Revised Editions (if applicable)
How different is your revised edition,