Product ratings and reviews help users make more informed purchasing decisions. They are written by third parties and are for informational purposes only. Other consumers can read these when making a purchase decision. Nestle is a very good and old company which produces many kind of chocolates and other such milk products. Milo is a chocolate drink by Nestle, and was first developed in Australia in 1934. It is an extremely popular drink in Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore and Malaysia, as well as in Australia Africa India and Pakistan. Milo is marketed slightly differently and has some variations in taste depending on the country of origin (i.e. the Malaysian version is slightly sweeter than Singapore's.
Appearance and Packaging:-
Milo powder comes in various forms. The most original is just the Milo powder itself, and that is packaged in metal green tins, typically with some picture of a sporting figure typically with the intention of marketing milo as a healthy energy drink. Due to convenience you will also tend to find the 3-in-1 packets that you only need to add hot water too. Because milo is so popular, it's not surprising too that they have ventured into making other milo products as well such as milo chocolate, cereal, and even ice-cream!
Taste and preparation:-
Milo taste is quite yummy and delicious unlike other chocolate milks. It’s so very yummy and chocolaty but perhaps less unhealthy than hot chocolate! It's always something that you drink when you are feeling cold, unwell, or when feeling down. People who liked it definitely recommend that you try it for yourself; you might just fall in love with it too.
Milo is typically marketed as a nutrition/energy drink that is especially targeted for active and growing young kids. While the nutritional value of a milo drink will really depend on your powder-to-water ratio, Nestle claims that the drink contains essential nutrients including calcium, iron, vitamin A, B1 and B2, and vitamin C. Indeed I don't doubt their claims but, let's not forget that the drink contains 421 calories in every 100 g of powder (each serving is about 40 g of powder), so it's relatively high in energy content (making it good as a sports drink, but not too good if you're watching your weight). It's also relatively high in its glycemic index indicator, so really it's probably better off as a drink to provide you with the energy you need or as a mid-afternoon drink to refresh yourself.
Value proposition of MILO is Refreshing nourishment - body and mind. Whether it’s for the healthy development of children, sports, a special treat or everyday refreshment – Nestlé products deliver taste and health. MILO proposition remains relevant today when despite a wide variety of food products being available to Australian families, many kids are still not getting enough vitamins and minerals in their diet. Malted barley is one of the key ingredients that give MILO the unique great taste and crunch you love. It is naturally rich in carbohydrates (including starches and maltose), the preferred energy source for the brain, nervous system and working muscles. Including calcium, MILO contains 6 essential vitamins and minerals. Together with milk it is a nutrient rich drink for active kids. A glass of MILO and milk is high in protein, low GI, Nutrient rich – particularly calcium where it provides nearly 50% of Recommended Daily Intake (RDI).
The cost of this health drink is more but it tastes great and is worthy. Milo is medium chocolaty and malty, and Ovaltine seems to be the most chocolaty. The main feature of this health drink is that it tastes like a chocolate drink which normally all the kids love to drink and also it has all the good qualities of a health drink and has all the nutritional values that are needed for a kid to have. The company constructed a new dairy farming institute in Shuangcheng in Heilongjiang province, China, in January. It aims to help dairy farm owners and workers from Shuangcheng and other Chinese regions improve their farm management skills and educate them about the latest agricultural technology. Nestlé India has developed milk production in the region since it built its first factory in Moga in 1961. The company now has eight factories in the country. Over the years, Nestlé has invested to develop the area around that first factory, setting up milk collection points and training farmers to improve productivity and quality. The world's leading nutrition, health and Wellness Company. "Good Food, Good Life" is the promise we commit to everyday, everywhere to enhance lives, throughout life, with good food and beverages. We believe that leadership is about behavior, and we recognize that trust is earned over a long period of time by consistently delivering on our promises. Nestlé believes that it is only possible to create long-term sustainable value for our shareholders if our behavior, strategies and operations also create value for the communities where we operate, for our business partners and of course, for our consumers. We call this creating shared value. Nestlé’s objectives are to be recognized as the world leader in Nutrition, Health and Wellness, trusted by all its stakeholders, and to be the reference for financial performance in its industry. We believe that leadership is not just about size; it is also about behavior. Trust, too, is about behavior and we recognize that trust is earned only over a long period of time by consistently delivering on our promises. These objectives and behaviors are encapsulated in the simple phrase, “Good Food, Good Life”, a phrase that sums up our corporate ambition.