Productive and counterproductive behaviors have a huge impact on job performance and the overall performance of an organization. With each type of behavior there can be a positive or negative impact on both job performance and the performance of the organization. Each has its own affect that creates another affect. In a sense there is almost a chain reaction for the types of behavior that occur until there is an end result. There are many attributes that can be considered toward productive behavior. Some of these are “accurate, reliable, honest, meticulous, concrete, focused, disciplined, professional” (Keplinger, 2010 pg 3 para 5). Each of these attributes affects job performance and the performance of the organization because with them others see they can trust both the employee and the organization. The employee is seen as an outstanding attribute in his or her self and in turn most employees feel good about themselves. When they feel good about themselves, they have a positive outlook on both their skills and their performance. The productive behaviors impact
References: Ciftciouglu, B. (2010). Relationship between organizational commitment and organizational identification: a theorical investigation. Is, Guc: The Jornal Of Industial Relations & Human Resources, 12 (1), 87-106. Doi:10.4026/1303-2860.2010.139.x Jex, Keplinger, A. (2010). Productivity, xex and leadership: the psychological perspective. Proceedings of the European conference on management, leadership & governance 187-197.