Mihaela ENACHE
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration,
Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Tel.: 034-93-7398171
Mihaela ENACHE (Corresponding author)
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration,
Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Tel.: 034-93-7398695
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration,
Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Tel: 034-93-7398690
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration,
Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Tel: 034-93-7398690
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences,
No. 29E/2010 pp. 144-158
This study proposes to analyze the relation between subjective success, the affective and continuance components of organizational commitment and the intention to leave the organization, in order to reflect the repercussions on organizational and individual levels. Despite the increasing importance of the organizational commitment and the relevance of subjective success in the current context of the professional careers, a gap exists in specialized literature. The hypotheses were tested by means of a structural equations model and it has been observed that individual perception of the success achieved in professional careers has a positive relation to affective commitment and a negative relation to employees’ continuance commitment. The relation between these two types of commitment and the intention to leave are those anticipated in the current literature. Finally, contextualising the present paradigm shift in psychological contracts and the profiles of a
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