
Profanity On Daytime Television

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Profanity should not be aired on daytime television

Most channels on television have some sort of use of profanity in the shows, which is mainly a result of the audience that the channel is trying to reach. Channels like MTV, FX, and VH1 allow profanity to be used on just about any show that is aired on their network. Profanity should not be allowed to be aired on daytime television at all. There are multiple reasons that profanity should not be used on daytime television. Maybe some kid is scrolling through a channel and come pass a cuss word and now that young kid has learned a cuss word at a young age. Also, maybe say you’ve got some friends over who don’t like to hear any profanity, of any time and you’re watching a show and out of nowhere
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For those who practice Islam, profanity is strongly frowned upon. According to Thou Shall Not Have a Potty Mouth, “Allah does not like obscene words or deeds”.( Sometimes the sports commentators like to slip some cuss words in their commentary here and there. You and your friends just so happen to hear the cuss word and they start freaking out and then they storm out of your house. Now you loss some of your closest friends due to something that was not even your fault and was totally unexpected. There is no rule that says profanity cannot be used publicly mainly due to the 1st Amendment. According to Kids Law, the First Amendment states, ” Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”(Kids Law) The Constitution can be easily changed by placing a new Amendment that can overrule the original …show more content…

Whether they are stay at home parents, work from home, or are retired. According the United States Census Bureau, about 25% of American of married couple families what have children under the age of 15 have a stay at home mother (United States Census Bureau). If a mother is at home with her children who are under the age of 15, that mother does not want them to be exposed to hearing profanity on the television. While she may not be intentionally exposing her children to profanity on the television, at any given moment the child can take the remote and accidentally change the channel to a show that is not teaching the child positive things. In today’s times there are many people who have the opportunity to work from home, their companies have provided them with the necessary equipment needed to get the work done in the comfort of their home. While they are working, they may not be interested in hearing profanity while completing their work. Most people who are retired are over the age of 50, in most instances they have little to no interest in hearing a ton of profanity on the television. Profanity should not be aired on daytime television, because it is not safe for kids to be listening to such vulgar language. Also, many parents do not want their kids to be exposed to cursing or inappropriate language. Due to the respect of religious backgrounds and beliefs, cursing should also be banned from daytime television.

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