Forum: Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
The objectives of this forum were to:
• Generate strategies for meeting students’ primary need to facilitate growth in all areas of the traumatized brain.
• Integrate an adult SEL mindset throughout the day in all curriculum areas that shows support of students’ SEL growth.
• Understand Vicarious Trauma and name at least one strategy for self-care.
In reviewing my notes, article review and reflection from this forum, I note that my focus was strategies …show more content…
I, also, noted the strategy of practicing executive function and problem- solving skills. With this practice, we are encouraged to make direct eye contact when listening or addressing students. All of the above seem to be simple, “of course”, techniques, but they can be some of the first things we forget when faced with an upset, anxious, out of control …show more content…
I thought it was interesting to note that this research combined concepts from this and the previous (SEL) forum. The participants were taught reading, using a Self-Regulated Strategy Development. This method showed positive results employing strategies from both reading instruction and social-emotional learning.
Forum: Engaging Student, Families & Communities; Using Culture in the Classroom, a SERRC document
Forum outcome was stated as follows:
Teachers will be able to identify connections with Culture and Content through the student, the family, and the community
This forum was divided into 3 learning categories student, family, and community.
For me, this forum was especially thought provoking. The discussion centered around areas that, we, in special education, are mandated to consider for each individual student. Given that focus, I thought special education teachers had this covered. I was wrong. The techniques suggested in each area were simple such as discussing the kinds of winter gear each student, a family might use or finding a volunteer opportunity specifically in the area of your school. Simple, but very meaningful in relationship building with students, parents, and