Programming Problems
Pseudocode for chapter 2 checkpoint
Frank T. Hartman
IT 210
Programming Problems
Pseudocode for chapter 2 checkpoint
Frank T. Hartman
Programming Problem 1
Main Module
Declare SalesAmount As Real
Declare CommissionRate As Real
Declare CommissionEarned As Real
Display “Welcome User.”
Display “Starting new commission calculations.”
Call User Input Module
Call Calculate Commission Module
Call Display Calculations Module
End Main Module
User Input Module
Display “Please enter monthly sales amount.”
Input SalesAmount
Display “Please enter commission rate.”
Input CommissionRate
End User Input Module
Calculate Commission Module
CommissionEarned = SalesAmount*(CommissionRate/100)
End Calculate Commission Module
Display Commission Module
Display “Your earned commission is” CommissionEarned”.”
End Display Commission Module
Programming Problem 2
Main Module
Declare ItemName As Real
Declare ItemPrice As Real
Declare ItemWeight As real
Declare UnitWeight As Real
Declare UnitPrice As Real
Declare TotalPrice As Real
Display “Welcome to Super Supermarket’s Cost Calculator.”
Display “Starting new cost calculations”
Call User Input Module
Call Unit Weight Module
Call Unit Price Module
Call Cost Display Module
End Main Module
User Input Module
Display “Please enter item name.”
Input ItemName
Display “Please enter item price.”
Input ItemPrice
Display “Please enter item weight.”
Input ItemWeight
End User Input Module
Unit Weight Module
End Unit Weight Module
Unit Price Module
End Unit Price Module
Total Price Module
End Total Price Module
Cost Display Module
Display “The cost of”ItemName:”per ounce cost:”UnitPrice”.”
Display “Total price of”ItemName”cost”TotalPrice”.”
End Cost Display Module
Programming Problem 3
Main Module
Declare EmployeeID As Real
Declare HourlyRate As Real
Declare RegHours As Real
Declare OvertimeHours As Real
Declare GrossPay As Real
Declare Tax As Real
Declare NetPay As Real
Display “Welcome to Wage Calculator”
Display “Please enter all information carefully”
Call User Input Module
Call Gross Pay Module
Call Tax Module
Call Net Pay Module
Call Display Module
End Main Module
User Input Module
Display “Please enter Employee ID number”
Input EmployeeID
Display “Please enter hourly rate of pay”
Input HourlyRate
Display “Please enter regular hours worked”
Input RegHours
Display “Please enter overtime hours worked”
Input OvertimeHours
End User Input Module
Gross Pay Module
GrossPay = RegularHours * HourlyRate + OvertimeHours * (HourlyRate * 1.5)
End Gross Pay module
Tax Module
End Tax Module
Net Pay Module
NetPay = GrossPay –Tax – Parking
End Net Pay Module
Display Module
Display “Gross pay is”GrossPay “for”EmplyeeID“.”
Display “Net Pay is”NetPay“for”EmployeeID“.”
Close Display Module
Programming Problem 4
Main Module
Declare Score1 As Real
Declare Score2 As Real
Declare Score3 As Real
Declare Score4 As Real
Declare Score5 As Real
Declare Score6 As Real
Declare PlayerOneAvg As Real
Declare PlayerTwoAvg As Real
Declare GameAverage As Real
Display “Welcome to Bowling Average”
Call User Input Module
Call Player Average Module
Call Game Average Module
Call Display Module
End Main Module
User Input Module
Display “Please enter score for player 1 game 1”
Input Score1
Display “Please enter score for player 2 game 1”
Input Score2
Display “Please enter score for player 1 game 2”
Input Score3
Display “Please enter score for player 2 game 2”
Input Score4
Display “Please enter score for player 1 game 3”
Input Score5
Display “Please enter score for player 2 game 3”
Input Score6
End User Input model
Player Average Module
End Player Average Module
Game Average Module
End Game Average Module
Display Module
Display “Player One’s average score is”PlayerOneAvg“.”
Display “Player Two’s Average score is”PlayerTwoAvg“.”
Display “The combined average of the games is”GameAverage “.”
End Display Module
Programming Problem 5
Main Module
Declare LoanAmt As Real
Declare InterestRate As Real
Declare NumberMonths As Real
Declare MonthlyRate As Real
Declare Payment As Real
Display “Welcome to Payment Calcultor.”
Call User Input Module
Call Monthly Rate Module
Call Payment Calculation Module
Call Display module
End Main Module
User Input Module
Display “Enter loan amount please.”
Input LoanAmt
Display “Enter interest rate please.”
Input InterestRate
Display “Enter number of monthly payments desired please.”
Input NumberMonths
End User Input Module
Monthly Rate Module
MonthlyRate = InterestRate/1200
End Monthly Rate Module
Payment Calculation Module
Payment = LoanAmt * MonthlyRate * (1 + MonthlyRate)^NumberMonths ÷ ((1 + MonthlyRate)^NumberMonths – 1)
End Payment Calculation Module
Display module
Display “Your monthly payment will be” Payment “.”
End Display Module
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