August 2, 2007
1. What was accomplished in 2006-2007? Several goals were articulated in the previous report.
A. New Graduate Students in MCB Program. We continued attracting and elevating the profile of graduate students in computational and genome biology in the MCB Graduate Program. Eight new Ph.D. students entered the MCB Graduate Program. Two new students, William Thomas and Sam Fox, were provided CGBI-funded GRA positions in recognition of their qualifications and interests in computational and genome-based biological research.
B. Continue Renovation of MCB Curriculum. Substantial progress on continued MCB Graduate curriculum renovation, formation of new courses, and final instructional plans for the new faculty to teach in the MCB Graduate Program was made.
a. MCB Curriculum Renovation. During the MCB Faculty Workshop (see below), consensus for how to revise the MCB Ph.D curriculum was reached. This will compress the cell biological component, and provide room for a new course in Bioinformatics. The proposed new core curriculum is as follows:
| |Summer |Fall |Winter |Spring |
| |MCB525 |MCB554 |MCB555 |MCB556 |
| |Molecular techniques |Genome structure, organization|Genome expression (4) |Cell & developmental |
| |(3) |& maintenance (4) | |biology (4) |
| | |MCB511 |MCB668 |MCB557 |
| | |Research perspectives (3) |Bioinformatics & programming |Scientific skills & ethics |
| |