1. Schedule of Classes: Bridge: August 6 - 16 Room TBA Fall: Thursdays 3:00 – 4:50 in BS 3012
2. This course is taught by an instructional team. The team members are:
Faculty Mentor Dr. Corinne Ulbright UC 2143 278-7584 culbrigh@iupui.edu
Advisor Colleen Rusnak UC 3042 274-6257 crusnak@iupui.edu
Librarian: Edward Gonzalez UL 3120B 274-4907 elgonzal@iupui.edu
Student Mentor Shelbi Grow sgrow@iupui.edu UC 2005 278-9161
3. Office Hours: Ulbright: R 1:30 – 2:30 pm or whenever you can catch me in my office. You can make an appointment by contacting me through email.
4. Course Overview: Welcome! This course is designed for entering students who plan to major in biology at IUPUI. The overall goal is to facilitate your entry into IUPUI, and help you succeed in college. We will be building on academic skills you already have and introducing you to the many resources available at IUPUI. During the summer, you will be part of the Summer Bridge, and will participate in activities with other groups of students. During the fall, we will be a section of Windows on Science (Science learning community, section 10316) which is a one credit course. The last meeting of the Windows on Science will be October 25, when we register for Spring 2013 classes.
As part of the IUPUI