Business Report - Individual Assignment
Yasunori Eguchi 3936181
Executive Summary This report is written to evaluate the possibility of Vietnamese wine market. To support the report, various types of information and secondary data are collected. Finally, a business strategy will be proposed. To begin with, Treasury Wine Estates (TWE) is the second largest wine company in Australia operating all over the world. However, their main markets in developed countries are already saturated, therefore the firm may have to find a new market. The sales in Asian emerging markets have increased consistently and Vietnam also might be an attractive wine market. There are several reasons. For example, Vietnam has more than 90 million populations where majority of people are young generation with purchasing desire. Also, the country has been developing rapidly. In addition, their preference is shifting toward to Western style. To conclude, as has been mentioned, there are also certain positive possibilities in Vietnam. As a result, Vietnam is assessed as a beneficial market for the firm.
Contents 1. Cover Page………………………………………………………………..….……….….1 2. Executive Summary…………………………………………….…….…….………….2 3. Content Page……………………………………………………………….….…….…..3 4. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..….4 5. Methods used to collect and analyse data and information………………………5 6. Review of the current international business and economic environment……..5 7. Analysis of industry, product and its environment…………………………………6 8. Analysis of target country; economy, market and demand, trade policies and laws, culture and political environment………………………..8 9. Consideration of alternative entry strategies………………………………………14 10. Consideration of alternative ways of managing industry competition………..15 11. Most appropriate entry and
References: Cateora, P , Mort, G, D’souza, C, Taghian, M, Weerawardena J, Graham, J, 2012, International marketing, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd , Australia CIA, 2012, THE WORLD FACTBOOK, accessed 10/12/2012 Diep, A, 2011, ‘Vietnam’s market for Australian wine’, DYNAMIC EXPORT 28 February 2012, accessed 12/12/2012 Dowling, P, Liesch, P, Gray, Sidney, Hill, C, 2009, International Business: Asia-Pacific Edition, 1st edn. McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd , Australia 'Economic forecast ' 2012, Country Report GEERT HOFSTEDE, 2012, NATIONAL CULTURE COUNTRIES, accessed 14/12/2012 IBISWorld, 2012, WINEMANUFACTURING, accessed 10/12/12 IMF, 2012, World Economic Outlook Databases, accessed 14/12/2012, TREASURITY WINE ESTATES, 2012, TREASURY WINE ESTATES ANNUAL REPORT 2012, accessed 8/12/2012 TREASURITY WINE ESTATES, 2012, TWE Global, accessed 8/12/2012 United Status Census Bureau, 2012, International Programs, accessed 12/12/2012