The Marketing staff and legal staff over allocated problem is solved, however R&D cannot resolve over allocation issues, R&D is still over allocated. There were not enough resources for non-critical activities to absorb the demand for the resource. 3. What is the impact of leveling within slack on the sensitivity of the network?
The sensitivity of the network is increased. The slacks are reduced which lead to a loss of flexibility. The probability of activities delaying the project is increased because the reduction of slack creates more critical activities and critical paths.
4. Include a Gantt chart with the schedule table after leveling within slack.
As in the Gantt chart, there are more critical activities (marked on red).
5. Assume the project is resource constrained and resolve any over allocation problems by leveling outside of slack. What happens?
Using leveling outside of slack, the over allocation problems are resolved. However, the length of the project has increased and the new end date is now 19/7/2012. 6. Include a Gantt chart with the schedule table after leveling outside of slack.
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