7201ENG Project Management – Naomi Hill s2569523
Task A Marks: 17/20 - Very well written. But please observe word limit.
Wheatstone Project Background
What is this the Wheatstone Project about? Chevron Australia Pty Ltd (Chevron) is constructing a multi-train Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and domestic gas (Domgas) plant near the town of Onslow on the Pilbara Coast, Western Australia. The gas fields are located offshore in the West Carnarvon Basin. Ashburton North is the approved site for the LNG and Domgas plants. The Ashburton North site is located approximately 12 km south-west of Onslow along the Pilbara coast within the Shire of Ashburton (Chevron, 2010). The Project is installing gas gathering, export and processing facilities in both Commonwealth and State waters and on land. The Wheatstone Project will produce gas from Production Licences located 145 km offshore from the mainland and 225 km north of Onslow. It will consist of two LNG processing trains, each with a capacity of between four and seven million tonnes per annum (Chevron, 2010). What are the Project objectives, requirements and outcomes? The primary objectives either directly or indirectly relates to performance, cost and time. The objectives are to: Commercialise the hydrocarbon resources with the Chevron owned Petroleum Titles, and efficiently and reliably recover these resources; Provide an acceptable return on investment (time and cost); and Manage all environmental, health, security and safety issues with Chevron’s standards and recognized global industry standards in mind. (Chevron, 2011) Wheatstone Project’s requirements are to be a multi-train gas project that will process gas for Chevron as well as third-party gas owners in the Carnarvon Basin and potentially other areas. The outcome is to bring gas to the international and domestic markets. (Chevron, 2010)
The definition of a project: How does the project fit this?
“A project is a
References: Still need Project (year) in 7201ENG. Module 1: Introduction toAuthor Management 7201ENG 2012 Week 1, Griffith front. University, Brisbane. Baldoni, John (2006). How Great Leaders Get Great Results. McGraw-Hill. Chevron Australia (2012). The Chevron Way – Getting Results the Right Way. http://www.chevron.com/about/chevronway/ Chevron Australia (2012a). Safety, Values and Partnership. Chevron Corporation. Chevron Australia (2010). The Wheatstone Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) / Environmental Review and Management Programme (ERMP). Chevron. Chevron Australia (2011). The Wheatstone Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) / Response to Submissions on the Environmental Review and Management Programme (ERMP). Chevron. Dunn, Rose (2010). Dunn & Haimann 's Healthcare Management, Ninth Edition. Health Administration Press. Kerp, Naomi (2012). Email 1 April, naomikerp@chevron.com National Geographic (2008). Inside Supercar - Nissan GT-R National Geographic Channel. Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CqqhJRBpTs Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc_z1LKlRbA&feature=relmfu Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_WOdLL1P84&feature=relmfu Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhCQ7jcQ6hc&feature=relmfu Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhCQ7jcQ6hc Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiy7SvuQGGY Nissan (2001). Annual Report. http://www.nissanglobal.com/EN/DOCUMENT/PDF/AR/2001/ar2001_index.pdf Nissan (2012). Corporate Information – Message/Vision. http://www.nissanglobal.com/EN/COMPANY/MESSAGE/MESSAGE/