Sustainable school restaurant is not an easy job to achieve in short time, but is in longer time with help from government and support from local community. Government long Aim is to create by 2020 sustainable school in all country, especially city schools. Healthy food and drink should by produce in eco friendly kitchen, serve and recycle as well on premises of school. This idea of cycle inside of the school is more about to create a better community between parents, local suppliers, government, teachers and especially kids, to raise them with respect to family, neighbours, friends, teachers, government and mainly to environment. To create sustainable school restaurant schools have to change, and in this report we have couple ideas have to help by creating roof gardens, herb gardens, saving electricity by sun power, eco friendly kitchen equipment, composting, recycle, collect rain water for gardens, school inside shop selling jams, juices, pickles and flowers grow on school premises. Creating this project management concept for twenty20 schools is our vision how to help government and community together. This project will be showing structure what have to be including in project management like: Project Management Charter, Scope Statement, Product Breakdown Structure, Work Breakdown Structure, and Gantt chart.
Project Management Charter
“The document helps the project manager to communicate his authority and explain to project participants and stakeholders why the project is needed, who it involves, how long the project will take to complete, how much it will cost, what resources are needed and how successful completion of the project will help the organization. “(
Scope Statement
“Project scope is