a. Collect Requirements
b. Define Scope
c. Create WBS
d. Verify Scope
e. Control Scope
2. Collect Requirements
a. Inputs
i. Project Charter ii. Stakeholder Register
b. Tools and Techniques
i. Interviews ii. Focus Groups iii. Delphi Technique iv. Mind Mapping
v. Prototypes vi. Questionnaire and Surveys vii. Brainstorming
c. Outputs
i. Requirements Document ii. Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)
3. Define Scope
a. Inputs
i. Project Charter ii. Requirement Doc iii. Organization Process Assets (OPA)
b. Tools and Techniques
i. Expert Judgment ii. Facilities workshop iii. Product analysis iv. Alternative identifications
c. Outputs
i. Project Scope
4. Create WBS
a. Inputs
i. Project Scope statement ii. Requirement doc iii. Org process assets (OPA)
b. Tools and Techniques
i. Decomposition
c. Output
i. WBS ii. WBS Dictionary iii. Scope Baseline
5. Verify Scope
a. Inputs
i. Project management Plan ii. Requirement Doc iii. RTM iv. Validated Deliverables
b. Tools and Techniques
i. Inspections
c. Outputs
i. Accepted Deliverable ii. Change requests iii. Project Doc update
6. Control Scope
a. Inputs
i. Project mgmt. plan ii. Work Performance info iii. Requirement Doc iv. RTM
v. OPA
b. Tools and Techniques
i. Variance Analysis
c. Outputs
i. Change Requests updates ii. Project Management Plan updates iii. OPA updates
1. Develop Project Management Plan
a. Inputs
i. Project charter ii. Output from planning process iii. Enterprise Environment factor (EFF) iv. Organizational Process Assets (OPA)
b. Tools and Techniques
i. Expert Judgment
c. Output
i. Project mgmt. plan
Matrix Types
1. Weak Matrix - functional manager has more control than the project manager
*Project coordinator work in weak matrix
2. Strong Matrix – project manager has more control
3. Balanced Matrix – functional and project manager has equal power
4. Projectized Matrix – the project manager has