Angel Montaz, Christian Hubbard, Christopher Christmon, Leander Braziel
October 11, 2015
Lisa Florio
Project Costing
Allocation of resources to project tasks (labor and material): Resource allocation is critical since it involves the planning of all the resources required for our project. This will help us utilize only the amount of resources required for the project. As Project managers, often times we have to work in limited budgets. If we are able to do resource allocation efficiently, it can facilitate the project since resource allocation is one of the most difficult an important parts of a project. The resources we need to project tasks include: hardware, maintenance, office supplies, postage, shipping, software, telephones, and subscriptions.
Additionally, we need a Project Managers, Quality Assurance (QA) personnel, Equipment Custodian, Network Administrators, Desktop Administrators, and Trainers. The Equipment Custodian is in charge of ensuring we purchase and receive all the aforementioned resources. Our QA personnel are in charge of ensuring tasks are accomplished in accordance with manuals, operating instructions, etc. Additionally, they are responsible for the quality aspect of the project. The lead trainers are tasked with the primary training and our administrators test the network, install security systems, monitoring network traffic, and filtering emails.
Cost estimates for project resources:
Variance Baseline We desire to achieve the outcome for the Human Resources Deployment is going to require a very stringent and highly concentrated focus on maintaining a close adherence to the project timeline. While working on this timeline multiple data is an adamant goal for the project managers. The management will be looking into making sure that the timeline is closely monitored and kept. Much of this data will be monitored to expose possible weaknesses of the planning process. This will serve as a