Summary The data compiled in the research presented focuses on the analysis in the daily operations stated by an entry-level classification, which states issue of reclassification of Office Technicians. The communication plan used to develop a consulting project plan presented in this paper show main objectives of the client’s best interest from the consultant’s perspective. The main goal is achieved, which includes support to benefit the organization’s positive progress in developing the growth of the Parks and Recreational Department. The main idea is to present recommendations within the organization to identify the issues in need of ratification. The facts presented are available to use within various departmental areas and is a specified for the consultant to guide the client and to deliver designated goals and represents a variety of functional areas in the parks and recreation department. The discoveries manifested induced focus on decision-making of short-term and long-term outcomes. The structured recommendations on the plan of communications are to take on the resolution of pending issues.
Consulting Project Plan – Part Two The communication plan intended to use is the small number focus group and to create and convey questionnaires presented to the Office Technician (OT) classification level. Over an estimated period of two years the accumulative data conveyed by the specified OT staff members compiled by the consulting company team to show the client proof of the findings presented by staff members of the Parks and Recreation department. The frequency of questions presented to elite OT staff members and continuously dispersed on a quarterly frequency and over a two year plan. The small number chosen are the key individuals consistently working on projects, as the documentation serve as the ideal model presented to the client.
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