To: xxxxxxxxxx
CC: Management 404
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 10/18/13
Group D Participation
For week two project proposal our group has chosen to do our project on a fair. The fair will be named YYYYYYYYYYYY. This fair will be fundamental in helping the school to obtain the much needed and necessary equipment, along with basic necessities for the students and staff. In order for the students and staff to be able to effectively learn. In the fair attendees are encouraged to make donations through our fundraising. This is an important fair that will benefit the school and encourage the community to come together for a great cause. While enjoying themselves.
Furthermore, the following list is the group participants and responsibilities. xxxxxx, started this project off with the initial process. She has contributed to the project by providing the Project Type: General Support. xxxxx, provided the project with the Goal Definition, and the Goals that address Our Mission portion. xxxxx, contributed to the project by providing the Objective Definition, Cost Estimate, and the Schedule.
Date: Assignment Date
Project Title: YYYYYYYYYY
Project Manager:
Project participants: xxxxxx,xxxxxx,xxxxxx,xxxxxx
The project will take more than 500 labor hours? : NO
The project is a one-time effort (will not occur on a regular basis)? YES
Project Type: General Support
Problem Definition: Every year improvements need to be done to the school to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for the students. Whether it be air conditioning in a classroom, privacy screens on the fences, new tables for the students to eat at or new computers in the computer lab, things constantly need updating and replacing. With a limited budget every year, we rely heavily on donations and fundraising in order to make these improvements so that our students and faculty can do their best learning and