A full wave rectifier is a device which is used to rectify all the alternating current components in an alternating supply and make it purely a direct current. The two alternating halves of an alternation current are rectified in a full wave rectifier which is an advantage over a half wave rectifier. Most of electronic devices cannot withstand very high voltage or alternating current due to its intense high power. The use of batteries in all devices is not practical as their replacement and durability is a huge problem as the device has to be dismantled each time for such a replacement. So these rectifiers are used in most of the electronic devices like TV’s, Radios, Chargers and Lightings etc.
There are several stages in a rectifier. Based on their rectification they are classified into two:- The single staged & multi staged. In the multi staged rectifiers, more than two diodes are used and these are used in the above-mentioned devices. The singled staged rectifier has only 2 diodes, the one we are to discuss in this project. The multi diode rectifier has only 2 diodes, the one we are to discuss in this project. The multi diode rectifiers has an efficiency ~ 94.6% while that of the single is only 81.2%.
The input transformer steps down the A.C mains from 220V to 9V between the centre tap and either of the two ends of the secondary winding. The transformer has a capability of delivering a current
Of 500mA.
The 9V A.C appearing across the secondary is the RMS value of the waveform and peak value would be .4826 volts=x
The diodes rectify the A.C waveform appearing across the secondary with the help of alternate forward and reverse biasing. The capacitor further filters 99% of the resident components and this is left to pass through the resistance and emerges out as +ve and –ve. The bulb connected verifies the output as it works on Direct Current and if used on an Alternating Current, the fluctuation will burn out the bulb.