Prokaryotes are nearly always a unicellular organisms. An example of a Prokaryote is bacteria and archaea . Prokaryotes do not contain a nucleus or a membrane that should surround the nucleus. They have a cell wall that is chemically complexed. Prokaryotes do not contain a mitchocondria. They contain two protein building blocks which is known as flagella. It has no cytoskeleton.It’s cell division is called binary fission. It’s DNA structure is a single circular chromosome.It has smaller ribosomes. It’s cell size is between 1-10um. Sexual reproduction involves no meiosis and transfer of DNA fragments (Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote, September 2014). …show more content…
They contain more than one chromosome. Typical cell size is between 10-100um. It’s cell wall is chemically simple and only in plant cells and fungi. It consists of a nucleus and a membrane. It also contains a cytoskeleton. It has larger ribosomes. It’s cell division is called mitosis. It’s DNA structure is multiple linear chromosomes with histones. They have a mitchocondria also. Their sexual reproduction involves meiosis and fusion of