Scientists mainly want to produce artificially, which is a condition in animals in a laboratory that copies a humans equivalent, injury. or medical disease. Animals are used for all kinds of research, for example, the rabbits sensory system can be studied for use of eye or skin disorders, also environmental toxicity testing. Researchers mostly use rabbits for safety and toxic testing of vaccines and drugs. There was over 222,000 rabbits were used in research and studies in 2009. People use animals in research so that scientist can discover a new cure for some kind of disease or to assess toxicity of different chemicals (“Biomedical …show more content…
This law was enacted in 1966, it regulates care and safety for the animals that are being tested on, and the use of animals in research (“Laws and Regulation”). The regulations that were established under Animal Welfare Act to set limitations for the human care towards animals (“Animal Welfare Act”). The Animal Welfare Act has different amendments to help protect the research and the studies that scientist experiment on animals. The 1970 amendment talk about warm blooded animals and dealers, which talks about how research includes warm blooded animals and it excludes farm animals, including, horses, livestock, and poultry. Humane standards are required under this act now, and that the animals need to be given the right to pain killing drugs. The 1976 amendments talked about transportation, handling and fighting, this amendment made it a crime to produce or promote a fight between birds, dogs, or any other animals. The 1985 amendment; psychological enrichment, they made additional amendments in 1985 that focused mainly on animal research and studies. In 1990 was the protection act amendments, research facilities were supposed to hold cats and dogs for not less than five days now, so if an owner reclaims them or a shelter decides to take them in. The mice, birds, and rats excluded amendments in 2002, which under this act they exclude using these animals for