Animal testing harms animals, and even kills them. They lock the animals inside cold cages in labs. They are trapped in their cage, while they lie there in pain, unable to do much. They just sit there, waiting for something to happen, even though they don’t know what will happen next (Animals Used for Experimentation). Ninety five percent of all animal tests turn out to be harmful for humans, so that shows what these tests could have done to these animals(Save the Animals:Stop Animal Testing). Also, many animal tests use devices on animals that restrain them from moving, which makes the animal unable to move during the tests that could hurt them very badly. Moreover, many animals die before the research is actually done and finished on them. According to doctors, they say that six percent of fatal illnesses and twenty-five percent of organic illnesses are from medicines that were tested on animals (Save the Animals:Stop Animal Testing). This also shows that all of the tests that they do on animals aren’t always accurate. Every time animals are used for research, they are usually harmed. Animals’ rights are violated when they are used for testing. Animals feel, think, act, and take the pain to things the same way as humans do. With that being said, animals should have the same respect as us humans do. Fifty percent of animals die in the experiments, but if they do not die the scientists usually kill them, which is extremely wrong (Alternatives In Testing). Also, because animals can not fight against the people who are doing this to them. The animals can’t choose if they want to do this or not, they are forced to be tested on. When others use animals for research they do not think about what actually happens to the animals, or about the animals’ lives. And a lot of the animals’ in labs are not legally protected. In addition, using animals for testing is very expensive, and costs lots of money.
First, you would have to buy the animals that you are using for the research. You also need money to feed the animals, and house them. Then, you have to care for the animals, even though most laboratories probably don’t care very much for the animals before or during the experiments. The harm that is not done to animals is not known, but the harm done to animals is always known. Each year the United States spends about sixteen billion dollars on animal testing (More Than $16 Billion in Taxpayer Money Wasted Annually on Animal Testing). This is also very expensive on the economy, to spend this money for feeding the animals they are using, to care for them, etc. They also use this money on these tests, that the results don’t always come out certain and some are discarded and are not always used, so many tests are pointless. Labs that use mice, rats, birds, reptiles and amphibians are exempted from the few protections under the Animal Welfare Act. With that being said, some labs using these animals in tests are illegal as well (11 Facts About Animal
Testing). Furthermore, there are better alternatives for animal research. Some other things you could do instead of testing things on animals is using computer models, virtual drug trials, genetic testing methods, and more (Alternatives In Testing). Some people think that if we didn’t have animal research, we would have to do tests on humans, but we already do tests on other humans. Another good idea that they should do instead of animal research is microdosing. Microdosing is giving humans a very small portion of a drug, which does not harm animals or the people very much, or the results on the humans are severe (Alternatives In Testing). Doing this scientists can test how the drug affects humans instead of animals, because the results on animals aren’t always accurate or reliable. Another idea is from CeeTox, a company that created a way to test products without harming animals (Testing on Animals is Unreliable and Unethical). They made up a way to test toxicity by using in vitro toxicity screening to test consumer products (Testing on Animals…). This allows labs to test the toxicity using technology instead of using innocent animals (Testing on Animals…). If you even question if a product will not work well on a person, they should not test it on an animal. Lastly, the results of using animals for research wouldn’t always be accurate. Humans metabolisms are different than animals, we exposed to more things in our life, and have longer life expectancies than most animals do (The Failure of the Animal Model). The use of human tissue in testing is more accurate than using animals. Also, some animals don’t have the same common health problems as humans do, they don’t always have the same issues. In addition, most drugs that they tests on animals, people have problems with. The use of animals for models in the development of human medications and disease usually fails, basically because humans and animals have different physiologies (Overton, Kelly). Animals should not be used for experiments because their bodies react in different ways to medicines or drugs than human bodies do. The results of animal test aren’t always one hundred percent reliable, and usually turn out to harm people. However, there are many other people that think the opposite. A lot of other people think that animals should be used in research of things for humans. Many think that if we did not use animals for experiments, we would have to use humans like we use animals for research, even though there are other ways we could experiment. Some animals have a few similarities to humans that make them good models for experimenting on different diseases, but a lot of things are not the same. Rabbits are similar to humans in researching atherosclerosis, and monkeys are good for polio (Why Are Animals Used in Research?). Scientists think that animals are the best things to use because they are the closest things to humans. Moreover, people who agree with animal testing think that human lives are more valuable than animals’ lives, and animals should be tortured instead of humans, which is kind of true but there are other ways to do experiments (Should Animals be Used for Experiments?). Many people think animal testing is wrong, and many think it is right. Both sides have different reasons for what they think, but most people think that animal testing is wrong. Using animals for experiments with humans is wrong because it hurts them and it also costs a lot of money. This topic is something that there is always debate about, and I always thought it was wrong. This should have been stopped a long time ago. People around the world need to fight for the animals to help them from the harm they face. I care very strongly about this topic because I love animals and I think that there is no reason to harm innocent animals, and not give them a choice. Hopefully, if people everywhere stand up and work together, then animal testing will be illegal all over the world. Then, animals will never be harmed again, and they will be saved.