Animal testing, is also known as animal experiments in the act of using non-human animals in research, to develop projects or scientific experiments. Statistics show that each year, there are millions of animals such as cats, dogs, mice, rats, ferret, hamsters and monkeys that experience mental and physical torture due to scientific research. Although most people agree that animal testing is horrible and cruel, there are few who this is it necessary to find new medicines. During the experiments, the animals are forced to inhale or sallow large amounts of test substances. Which are often found to be poisonous and toxic. The largest concern, is that animals are being used in experiments and not humans. Meaning that the results might or might not be useful for all the humans. Million of animals are suffering from poor conditions of living, and then to …show more content…
Comparing animals and humans, we do have lots alike. Both often contract the same illnesses and diseases, and they suffer from the same health conditions as humans, some examples being: cancer, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Although animals and humans are alike, that doesn’t mean we react to all illness the same. The Food and Drug Administration reports that 92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in