According to ALA (America Library Association) in 2012, 464 book were challenged. A challenge is an attempt to remove a book from the school curriculum based upon a group of people that are concerned with children reading it. The major reasons why a book gets challenge is for sexually explicit, offensive langue or anything else that is unsuitable for any age group. Censorship does not only takes place with books we read, but with movies we watch, games we play or advertisements we see on television or out on the streets. A group of people that thinks a certain thing is inappropriate for child or society, try to have it removed so no will see it (American Library Association).
Even though the novel Thirteen Reasons Why …show more content…
For Thirteen reasons Why, I can understand why people would want to have it removed because it contains drugs and alcohol, rape, bullying and talks about a teenager that committed suicide. There are also some very good reasons why it should not be banned. It shows how bullying can hurt ones feelings and may lead them into attempting suicide. So a child might think twice before that tease another person. This book can help open up a conversation with teachers and students. Sometimes it’s hard for a teenager to go talk to an adult if their having a problems, if it is read at school then it might be easier to have a serious conversation. Children may relate to certain characters from the book and also see other points of view. Like the Author from thirteen Reasons Why said “you don’t know what goes on in anyone’s life but your own” (Asher). I feel that the good outweighs the bad and will help those children and adults come together The book was not intended for teens to act out and mimic the negative behaviors but to have a book they can relate to. Adults try protect the children by having this book banned because it is inappropriate, when teens might be going through the same life obstacles as the characters. Last but not less, you have to remember our freedom of speech and under the First Amendment we have the right to read what we …show more content…
First we can have permission slips be sent home and a brief summary about the book and tell the parents it does contains controversial material. We can give the child an altered book so they can read and still get the same learning material out of it we can put pink slips in the book so that way the parents will know which book might be controversial (Staples). Those are the mitigating measures we can look at if a parent has an issue with the book because it is unconstitutional to have someone else’s morals push on others. We as parents should decide if we want or don’t want our children reason certain