Common Core was implemented to give students a fair chance in the world. Typically, it is believed that the United States is below average in education, but PISA (2015) reports that the United States only falls below the national average in mathematics and it’s only a little bit below average (2015 Results). They also reported that when looking at all of the national rankings, we are ranked with average scores in both reading and science. Results like that show the pros and cons of adopting the Common Core standards. When looking at the results, Common Core seems to be working in two main subject areas; English and science. Also when looking at results, it shows that the use of Common Core mathematics is not necessarily helping, but is also not hurting. We fall just below the average line and with some tweaking, the math portion of the Common Core standards will achieve their main goal, which is to get students in the United States on the same learning level as students in other countries.
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