Homosexuals are created in the image of god. In Genesis 1:26-27, God says, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” God is an all-loving God, and he would not allow his children to “choose” homosexuality. Would we limit god in his capacity to create his children to only what man believes to be correct? (Simpson, Bruce J.)…
The way we view homosexuality has very much to do with how we were raised and taught depending on where we are from, our parents beliefs and what others around us tell us. Because of this we believe what we believe and will stand by them unless we ourselves come to a different conclusion as we grow older. I was raised a Catholic and was taught by the Bible teachings that homosexuality was wrong and will go to hell if that is what you practiced. In this paper we will look a little at the historical and scientific perspectives of homosexuality.…
With this in mind, it could be argued that this flexibility makes Natural Law a very reliable approach regarding sexual ethics, as it isn’t entirely an absolutist theory. Nevertheless, the problem lies within the precepts, as if you do not view them as our soul…
The Divine Command Theory leaves no room for reconciliation with the concepts of Christian liberty and God’s undeserving grace. There is no room for failure according to this concept because we will never be able to keep all of God’s commandments. It is difficult, dare I say impossible, to accept this theory if one is a true believer. By rejecting the concept of grace, one rejects the very compassion and reason Jesus died on the cross for us. The apostle Paul states, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God-not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life" (Hollinger, 2002, p.100) (Ephesians 2:8, New Living Translation). I will never be able to earn the grace of God, yet it is his “internal working of grace” that allows me to be ethical (Hollinger, 2002, p.100). "If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free for real" and free from the condemnation of the law.…
A negative attitude toward same-sex/same-gender attraction and orientation and a view that engaging in homosexual acts is morally unacceptable and ultimately punishable in the spiritual sense are some mainstream Christian biblical interpretations regarding homosexuality. In this presentation,…
Some topics may make students uncomfortable, while others may be amused, confused, or offended. That is not the intent of this course; on the contrary, it is important for individuals to focus on their own feelings and consider their own upbringing, cultural beliefs, experiences, and faith to grow personally and professionally. Students must learn to engage in competent and open dialogue about human sexuality and sex that accounts for the ethical, legal, physiological, psychological, sociopolitical, and therapeutic considerations from the solid basis of a biblical worldview. Accordingly, this course critically examines human sexuality and its central importance to personhood from professional and theological perspectives within the context of a biblically informed…
The core of ethics is the distinction between what is considered to be good and what is considered to be wrong. As societies evolved and lives became more intertwined, the need for understanding right and wrong became increasingly important. In order for large groups of people to live in a functioning way, a set of rules must be established so that everyone is aware of the consequences of certain behaviors. The application of establishing a set of rules that labeled actions as wrong and right created morals. Morality is the standard by which choices are tested, but the origin of morals is questionable.…
Homosexuality is defined as the romantic, sexual attraction and or sexual activity involving members of the same sex. It is considered one of the three categories of sexual orientation, next to bisexuality and heterosexuality. View from an orientation point of view, homosexuality refes to “an enduring disposition to experience sexual, affectionate, or romantic attractictions” primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex. Scientifically and medically speking, homosexuality is not viewed as a choice more than complex mixture of biological and enviromental factors, that start from very early in the development of the human such as the uterine enviroment. In the contrary to this many people believe homosexual activity is “unnatural” or many people have called it “dysfunctional”. Even though many research has shown over the years that homosexuality is a normal and natural varitation in human sexuality and is not a product of any psycological dissorder. Whereas discrimination against homosexual and bisexual people have shown to causse psycological harm, especially in children who are either homosexual or bisexual.…
Sexual Ethics are integral to Judaism because they provided direct guidance on how to behave morally and in accordance with the Torah and God. Although, over many years Jews were suffering from persecution, they are currently showing stability which can be attributed to the framework that is outlined through the strong ethics that they uphold. Sexual ethics provide guidance on how to behave morally, righteously and in accordance to the Torah as well as preventing promiscuity, infidelity, immorality and sexual acts which hinder the constancy of Judaism. The teachings on Adultery, homosexuality, contraception and pre-marital sex provide a framework for Jewish conduct through re-iterating the principle beliefs of monogamy, procreation, fidelity and the covenant made between Moses, Abraham and God in a practical manner.…
The Divine Command Theory states that whatever God says is so, simply because God said so. Meaning X is morally right because God says so and Y is morally wrong because God says so. This theory states that things are wrong or right simply because God says, not because of what we consider to be morally right or wrong, but just because of what God says.…
The historical background of homosexuality date ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, China. Attitude towards homosexuality has been various in convenience to type of societies, cultural and moral devolopment or political situation. In ancient Greece relationships between two men were treated as the highest and most admired kind of love. At the same time Judaic religion had opposional opinion about homosexuality. The term ‘sodomy’ ,used even centuries after as a property of illegal and impudent sexual behaviour, comes from The Old Testament (Pilecka, 1999, p.14).In the ancient times homosexuality was associated paganism which is menace to monoteistic religion (Barnecka& Karp & Lollike, 2005, p.3). The repression and psychological pressure continued untill the first well-known gay activist Karl Heinrich Ulirchs (1825-1895) started the process of descriminalization of homosexuality (LeVay, 1996, p.11-15). Karl Henrich Ulrichs was the first formulate a scientific theory of homosexuality,Urning Theory. As Klaus Müller has evinced ‘’the first scientific theory of sexuality altogether’’ (1990, p.100). After many years, homosexuality was accepted mental diseases. Many of the techniques caused physical injuries and emotional trauma (Weinberg, 1983,…
Ever since the beginning of creation, God made man and woman to reproduce and create humanity. God never in between allowed or said that same sex marriage was permissible or was the natural way to create a generation. For example in Genesis chapter 19 the story of Sodom and Gomorrah explained the wickedness of the city that mainly strived from homosexuality. Genesis 19:5- And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us that we may know them. The city 's perverseness made God infuriated and led to the destruction of that city turning it into fire and brimstone. This gives evidence that homosexuality is a religious sin, which is analogous to many other Biblical prohibitions, like committing adultery which transgresses ethics.…
The problem is that there is no “natural” sex. That is not to say that sex is “unnatural.” Rather, that sexual orientation is not innate and does not “come naturally.” We are not born heterosexual or homosexual. Sexuality is a learned social construct. Social constructionism is the theoretic perspective which argues that our perception of what is real is defined only by the meaning that we attribute to given situation ([Berger and Luckman 1967; Blumer 1969] “Doing It: The Social Construction of S-E-X,” Tracey L. Steele). But because we live in an organized bureaucratic society that insists on assigning “normal/not normal” meaning to sexuality, heterosexuality is normal and any other sexuality is deviant.…
Homosexuality has been a great social, psychological and biological issue discussed amongst experts. Although, same sex relationships have been discriminated and misunderstood, over the years they have more and more accepted socially, but some stigma still lingers. This essay will expose the origin and biological explanation of homosexuality to better understand it. This essay uses research studies, examinations and tests that will ultimately reveal that homosexuality is not a learned behavior, it is a biological factor. This essay also reveals how people who view homosexuality negatively do not change view after learning these crucial biological factors that drive people to be sexually attracted to the same sex. This essay's goal is to state…
1.The moral theory of divine command theory is when a person morals depends upon God's command. If God believes that something is right then a person would also believe it is right, if God believes that something is wrong then a person would also believe it is wrong. Whatever God says is valuable to that individual. An objection to this theory would be the argument of different religious views. If an individual was Muslim and another was Christian, the Muslim would argue that the command of God isn't morally correct because he doesn't believe in God.…