
Pros And Cons Of Embryonic Stem Cells

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Pros And Cons Of Embryonic Stem Cells
Do parents have the right to use embryonic stem cells to re-establish the balance in systems that no longer function correctly?
Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent stem cells; this means that they are able to grow into all three primary germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm and make every type of cell in the body. They result from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst; and early stage human embryo. Embryonic stem cells are used in research to improve our understanding of body development from a fertilized egg and to provide awareness into how adult tissues can be repaired or maintained. Embryonic cell’s properties consist of an extraordinary long-term proliferative potential. Embryonic stem cells can also produce limitless numbers of themselves for continued research or clinical use.
When embryonic stem cells are grown under appropriate conditions, they normally stay unspecialised. But if they are allowed to bundle together they begin to specialize at the same time.
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Advantages are that by experimenting with it possible cures for specific medical conditions could be developed. Embryos are being used productively rather than being destroyed. And models of genetic disorders are being created. This means that scientists can now identify prenatal genetic diagnosis (PGD) in diseased cell lines and they are also able to mutate embryonic cells. The disadvantages include that a lot of failures and complications have been reported. For example, patients whom have damaged tissue within their bodies replaced with embryonic cells have to take prescription drugs for the rest of their lives to prevent rejection of the tissues. Regardless of the embryos coming from unwanted types, critics still believe that embryos are already human beings. Having said that, the use of these embryos for research and manipulating them go against morals and ethics. This is where religion comes

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