They were stealing factories and other people’s property in the countries they controlled (Paraszczuk). They were taking over other people's business and forcing the owners out. “ISIS has inflicted particularly cruel persecution on businesswomen, forcing female-run businesses like Omar's hair salon to close and making it impossible for professional women to continue working”.(Paraszczuk) ISIS does not want women working and making a living for their family. ISIS instituted high taxes for the people that live in their country. They also raised cost of water and electricity under their rule (Paraszczuk). This has a major effect on the economy because its citizens live under the poverty line and raising the prices of these necessities makes it increasingly hard to survive and thrive in their country. A lot of the people in the Middle East are unemployed because ISIS has forced them out of their business and for a lot of people in the Middle East this is where they get their source of income so they can provide for their family. ISIS is controlling the economy and businesses in the countries they control within the Middle …show more content…
The effect of terrorism is measured by direct and indirect forms of terrorism. Direct effects include the cost of destruction and the medical costs for the survivors ensued by the government. Indirect effects include decrease in labor due to death of workers and psychological trauma of survivors and family of those dead in terrorist attacks (Global Terrorism Index). In a 2016 report terrorism has the biggest effect on GDP in the Middle East and Africa, Iraq tops the chart with 17.3 of its national GDP that is affected by direct and indirect acts of terrorism, Afghanistan was a close second at 16.8%, and Syria who is also apart of the Islamic State is at 8.3% with an expected rise with the rise of ISIS. Terrorism also causes a decline in businesses and growth, negatively affecting production and