The economic benefits to society by allowing the legalization of marijuana, was once only an educated prediction. Then Colorado and Washington, took the plunge and legalized marijuana. It was estimated that with both states combined, they would bring in more than $500 million in revenue. Regardless if marijuana is legal or not it brings in money every second of every day. According to "The Denver Post" (2014), “In the U.S. alone marijuana is a over a $100 billion annual business. Marijuana licensing fees are higher than any other industry in Colorado, up to $18,000 per marijuana store, more than enough to fund regulation,” Robert J. Corry, Jr. of The Denver Post said. With the legalization in these two states we can start to see what the economic benefits can bring. Once California legalized medical marijuana, newspapers had to get more ad space just for its’ ads, allowing The Sacramento News and Time to bring on additional employees to help with the increased work load. According to The New York Times, the City of Oakland, brought in an additional $1.3 million in tax revenue from medical marijuana alone.
Now, on the other hand legalizing marijuana may bring in