More importantly, how would he respond? King is synonymous with the idea that we should only judge people by the context of their character, not by the color of their skin, people always fall victim to stereotyping whether on purpose or not certain events eventually shape someone’s perspective on a certain topic. For example, if someone would go to Chicago knowing the situation it’s experiencing, people would think before going there as they would associate Chicago as gang territory. As a response to this stereotype, King would use a line from his paper titled “Facing The Challenge Of A New Age “ saying the following:” "Freedom and Justice through Love." Not through violence; not through hate; no, not even through boycotts; but through love. It is true that as we struggle for freedom in America we will have to boycott at times. But we must remember as we boycott that a boycott is not an end in itself; it is merely a means to awaken a sense of shame within the oppressor ”(33). What King is implying in this passage is that history shows multiple times that many a path to a more prosperous land, we must follow the original goal of gaining peace and freedom for the community with acts of love and compassion rather than alienating ourselves from such a goal by inciting acts violence that only deters progress. In terms of today’s society, King’s approach may seem futile, as the…