Prostitution or otherwise known as sex work is regarded legal in Hong Kong. Nonetheless, why sex workers are still living and working in their own shadows, as if this occupation is illegal and offensive in this metropolis? Below may help you to know more about prostitution-related laws in Hong Kong.
Sex workers in H.K. can easily be caught under 9 laws related to prostitution, including 7 crime ordinances and 2 immigration ordinances. A more common crime ordinance is Soliciting for an Immoral Purpose (Chapter 200 of Crimes Ordinances, Section 147). It is said’ Ordinance is offended if prostitute initiate to talk to customer first or through body language, facial expression, clothing to transmit the message; talk about the cost and content of service in a conversation’. Based on the information provided, sex workers are in a high exposure of offending the first criterion, as the law is indeed too abstract in defining terms like clothes and facial expression. Maximum penalty of breaching the law is $10000-fine and imprisonment of six moths. This may account why sex workers are hiding away from public just to prevent being caught.
Another criminal ordinance hampering sex workers is ‘Keeping a vice establishment’ (Chapter 200 of Crimes Ordinance, Section 139). When one or more woman provide sex service or trade in the same premise, the prostitutes would be caught under any witness of sex trade took place. Sex workers who breach the law, would sentence to a maximum penalty of fine $20000 and 7-year imprisonment. Managing a sex trade center is also considered illegal, regardless of that actual person has engaged in sex trade or not. Thus, this also shows how Hong Kong laws are challenging the local sex workers.
Other laws related to sex work is listed below:
Crimes Ordinance 200- Section 143
‘Letting premises for use as a vice establishment
Crimes Ordinance 200- Section 137
‘ Living on earnings of prostitution of