Spring Final Study Guide
Table of Contents:
Timeline Semester 1 (1300-1850)
Timeline Semester 2 (1750-2010)
Unit 1: Middle Ages & the Renaissance (Ch. 12-13)
Unit 2: The Reformation (Ch. 14)
Unit 3: Religious War & the Age of exploration (Ch. 14-15)
Unit 4: Absolutism & Constitutionalism in Western Europe (Ch. 16)
Unit 5: Age of Absolutism in Eastern Europe (Ch. 17)
Unit 6: Expansion & Daily Life (Ch. 19-20)
Unit 7: Scientific Revolution & the enlightenment (Ch. 18)
Unit 8: French Revolution & Napoleon (Ch. 21)
Unit 9: Industrial Revolution (CH. 22)
Unit 10: Ideologies and Upheaval (Ch. 23-24)
Unit 11: Age of Nationalism (Ch. 25)
Unit 12: World War I and Imperialism (Ch. 26-27)
Unit 13: Age of Anxiety (Ch. 28)
Unit 14: Rise of totalitarianism and World War II
Unit 15: Europe During the Cold War and After (Chap 30-31)
Winter Finals Timeline (1300-1850)
Events People Works
Time Periods
Date | Description | Unit | 1330-1550 | Renaissance | 1 | 1337-1453 | Hundred Years War | 1 | 1348 | Black Death begins | 1 | 1377-1418 | Great Schism | 1 | 1394-1460 | Henry the Navigator | 3 | 1429 | Joan of Arc leads Battle of Orleans | 1 | 1450-1425 | Age of Exploration | 3 | 1453-1471 | War of the Roses | 1 | 1480 | Ivan III defies the khan | 5 | 1492 | Columbus’ first voyage | 3 | 1509-1547 | Henry VIII | 2 | 1513 | The Prince (Machiavelli) | 1 | 1516 | Concordat of Bologna | 1,3 | 1516 | Utopia (More) | 1 | 1517 | 95 Theses posted (Martin Luther) | 2 | 1519 | Conquest of Aztecs begins | 3 | 1519-1556 | Charles V | 2,3 | 1525 | German Peasants’ War | 2 | 1528 | The Courtier (Castiglione) | 1 | 1532 | Henry VIII breaks from the Roman Church | 2 | 1533-1584 | Ivan the Terrible | 5 | 1536 | Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin) | 2 | 1540 | Loyola establishes Jesuits | 2 | 1543 | On the Revolutions