The issues identified in the PS2 case are as follows:
1.Whether PS2 should enter into the Chinese market or not?
2.Amongst NIES or Nahai, which option should be pursued by the company?
3.How much feasible is to pursue both the option?
4.What ownership level is need for each option?
5.Staffing in Chinese operation by PS2?
6.Does the company possess the required resources and capabilities for such an expansion?
PS2 needs to undergo detailed internal and external analysis of the company to develop a right strategy for expansion. There is the requirement to develop cultural analysis and PESTEL analysis for the firm to expand. PS2 requires complete macro and micro level analysis of the industry to judge the opportunities and threat present in the market and also to find solutions to deal with them.
The cultural analysis of an organization is required to understand existing culture and its effect. The cultural web includes behavioral, b physical and symbolic manifestations of a culture. Culture is something that is taken for granted in a society or the organization (Gerry 2001). The culture mapping is required for any organization for questioning the taken for granted aspect of the organization which is rarely questioned by any one, to investigated the barriers to change and how much the aspects of existing culture are in line with the company’s future strategies, and finally to understand what new changes are required to for delivering of new strategy. So culture mapping is required to understand changes required for fulfilling company’s future strategies. Cultural web is used as a tool for culture mapping which is as follows:
Source: Mind Tools, “The Cultural Web: Aligning your Organization’s Culture with Strategy”, (Ltd 2012)2012.