Instead, mind, body, emotion, and spirit function as one unit, affecting and controlling the parts in dynamic interaction with one another. This is conscious and unconscious processes are equally important.
Basic needs, which drive behavior. Basic needs are only met when the patients perceives they are met. When a need is met, basic needs no longer exists, but, that is when growth can occur. When personal needs are left unmet, a situation may be perceived as a threat, leading to distress and more ailments and illness. This is very similar to failure to thrive in the neonatal specialty. Humans need the interactions, we need to have our feelings accommodated as much as possible so the mind is fulfilled and the body wants to start or continue to heal and grow.
Affiliated individuation is a concept unique to this theory as well, based on the belief that all people have an instinctual thrive to be accepted and dependent on support systems throughout their lives, while also attempting to maintain a sense of independence and