The Oedipus Complex is a Freudian term named after a Greek myth in which a man kills his father and unknowingly sleeps with his mother. Freud described how as a young child, a boy develops an unconscious infatuation towards his mother, whilst at the same time fearing his father and viewing him as a rival. None of this usually happens at a conscious level. It results in an unconscious conflict because the boy desires the love of his mother yet fears the consequences from his father -the unconscious mind at such an age lacks the wisdom to truly understand the situation. Often, the unconscious will find a satisfactory way of dealing with this conflict. However, in many cases, the solution is far from perfect. The consequences are many fold and may include: a boy who becomes an over competitive man (wants really
The Oedipus Complex is a Freudian term named after a Greek myth in which a man kills his father and unknowingly sleeps with his mother. Freud described how as a young child, a boy develops an unconscious infatuation towards his mother, whilst at the same time fearing his father and viewing him as a rival. None of this usually happens at a conscious level. It results in an unconscious conflict because the boy desires the love of his mother yet fears the consequences from his father -the unconscious mind at such an age lacks the wisdom to truly understand the situation. Often, the unconscious will find a satisfactory way of dealing with this conflict. However, in many cases, the solution is far from perfect. The consequences are many fold and may include: a boy who becomes an over competitive man (wants really