University of Phoenix
Marla is a 42 year old female who suffers from Dysthymic Disorder. Her symptoms have been trouble sleeping during the night, feeling “Jumpy†and having difficulty concentrating. Her symptoms are vague and could fit several many mental psychological disorders such as post traumatic stress or anxiety. My suspicion however, based on her difficulty concentrating,points me towards Dysthymic disorder. I suspect these symptoms may have been going for sometime because they have progressed to a point that it interrupts with her work, which is an accountant. Further questioning Marla, will give me her past medical history and rule out any physical contributors or medical physical conditions that can cause similar symptoms, such as Hypothyroidism. A clinical interview will aid in confirming my suspicion and allow proper diagnose for Marla and aid in her treatment. Dysthymic Disorder is a mild, yet, chronic depression with less severity than major depression. It’s a daily constant mood for about two years. With symptoms of feeling lethargic, fatigue, sleep or appetite disturbances, and low self-esteem are usually linked symptoms too. Symptoms are similar to depression but dysthymia can have a bigger affect in one’s life because it last so long. Normal functioning can be impaired because the lack of motivation caused by dysthymia can make one feel hopeless, unproductive, or feelings of low self-image. Many assume those who suffer from dysthymia can be over critical, constantly complaining and inept of having a good time. First sign of symptoms are usually seen early in life are similar of those of depression, a pessimistic attitude, poor school performance, or lack of social skills are all early signs. The origin of dysthymia known as the double depression comes from the word “thalamus†and “thyroid†and hence the correct pronunciation of dysthymia is [dis THEIGH me