Psychological Processes performing any type of activity that we use а variety of processes like thinking, remembering, problem solving, interpretation etc. Thus whether you study а lesson, view а cinema, talk on а topic, we are using psychological processes of which we may or may not be aware.
Motivation: - А person has many needs at any given time. Some are biological arising from hunger, thirst and discomfort. А motive is an internal force that encourages the consumer towards а particular course of action; it has both intensity and direction. Motivation is also closely tied to the concept of involvement, which relates to how much effort the consumer will exert in making а decision. Highly motivated consumers will want to get mentally and physically involved in the purchase process. Not all products have а high percentage of highly involved customers e.g. milk but marketers who market products and services that may lead to high level of consumer involvement should prepare options that will be attractive to this group. А motive is an internal energizing force that orients а person 's activities toward satisfying а need or achieving а goal. Actions are effected by а set of motives, not just one. If marketers can identify motives then they can better develop а marketing mix.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has long been used as а framework for classifying basic motivations. Five groups of needs are stacked one on top of other and form а progression. Having achieved satisfaction on the lowest level, the individual can progress to strive to achieve the goals of the next level up.
(B) Perception: - Perception is the process of selecting, organizing and interpreting information inputs to produce meaning. А motivated person is ready to act. How that person acts is influenced by his or her perception. When consumers collect information about а high involvement service
References: Philip Kotler, John T. Bowen, James C. Makens 2006 Fourth Edition, Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Frances Brassington, Stephen Pettit 2007 Second Edition, Essentials of Marketing, Prentice Hall, England. John W. Mullins, Orville C.Walker Jr. , Harper W. Boyd Jr., Jean- Claude Larreche 2005 Fifth Edition, Marketing Management – A Strategic Decision Making Approach, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York. Williams, K.C 1981, Behavioural Aspects of Marketing, Heinemann Professional Publishing. Angelina Harvey 2007, Lecturer Notes of Marketing Management and Research, Griffith College Dublin Ireland