PSY 490/Capstone
Celia Gallardo
February 27, 2011
Dr. Jennifer Jeziorski
Diversity in psychology as in life is critical to survival. Stabilization within the field of psychology must rely on a meshing of multiculturalism, contributions from within and outside of the field and knowledge in a variety of approaches and theories. Without diversity, we become stagnant and complacent. Only the strongest survive and being able to draw from a diverse set of disciplines can widen the range of psychological outcomes. Motivation, the theory of emotion and the approach and avoidance concepts will be addressed in this paper, as well as how the humanistic approach can be applied as it relates to motivation. Individuals are motivated by a diverse realm of reasons. Within the motivation theory, the ability to distinguish between introverts and extroverts can be easily determined. Often gregarious outgoing individuals shine in social settings. If we use the Big Five Model, as a guide to distinguish introverts and extroverts, gauging neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness we can more openly identify with which side of our personality best represents us and individuals. It is a tool that is important when diagnosing an patient in therapeutic settings. Ultimately, we need motivation for survival. For if we are not motivated we can not fend for ourselves, outwit or draw from inner experiences and strengths to forge ahead. With approach and avoidance, we have a ying/yang phenomenon. As humans, generally we avoid situation that are comfortable, can be dangerous and therefore we protect ourselves from mitigating factors that can cause use mental anguish and personal harm. Approach is used on a daily basis to boost our ego, stabilize ourselves in the most positive outcomes and engage in positive experiences that bring us pleasure and
References: Elliot, A.J., & Thrash, T.M. (2002). Approach-Avoidance Motivation in Personality: Approach and Avoidance Temperaments and Goals. 82(5), 804-818. Doi:10.1037//0022-3514.82.5.804 Strachman, A., & Gable, S.L. (2006). Approach and Avoidance Relationship Commitment. Motivation & Emotion, 30(2), 117-126. Doi:10.1007/s11031-006-9026-9