The Parietal Lobe is one of the four lobes that acts as the control center of the brain, and is located in the back of the head directly under the skull bone. Since the parietal lobe handles functions of focus, cognition, and perception, a person’s spatial perception or sense of touch, and visual perception or differentiation (identification) of size, shapes and colors will be challenged. . Damage to the Parietal Lobe impair the processing of visual images and other sensory input. Impact of damage or injury would impair cognition where a person’s “ability to multi-task is reduced or eliminated, as mathematical ability and recognition of the difference between right and left.” (Newsome Law Firm, 2010)
Once a brain is damaged or injury occurs, there is no cure. Therefore, the goal of treatment and rehabilitation focus on assisting a patient to strengthen the skills he or she continues to possess, “while helping to find compensatory strategies for adaptation of those lacking.” (Newsome Law Firm, 2010) Strengthening existing skills, is the first step toward advancing a person’s technique to adopt new methods of reasoning, planning, and decision-making.
Patient assessment and diagnosis include the use of computed tomography (CT Scans), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), x-rays, and other specialized tests. A patient’s treatment team of specialists will often include a psychiatrist skilled in neurology and orthopedics, neuropsychologist who will test aspects of competence, speech consultant to help with expression comprehension and communication and finally a social worker who acts as a liaison.
Treatment for injury or damage to the parietal lobe is “driven by several considerations: alleviation of specific syndromes/symptoms (such as depression or apathy), the underlying neuropathology (nature of the injury), improving cognition, and potential effects on recovery.” (UIC, 2009) Neuropharmacology is an evolving area that is complicated
References: Battelli, L., Pascual-Leone, A., & Cavanagh, P. (2007, May). The 'when ' pathway of the right parietal lobe. Trends in Cognitive Sciences , pp. 204-210, Volume 11, Issue 5. Newsome Law Firm. (2010). Parietal Lobe Brain Injury. Retrieved August 10, 2010, from Brain and Spinal UIC. (2009). Traumatic Brain Injury. Retrieved August 11, 2010, from University of Illlinois at Chicago: Center for Cognitive Medicine: