Throughout the course I developed an understanding to many social theories and ideologies and learnt how I could apply them to day to day life.
During psychology we focused on Zimbardo's prison experiment and Milgram's obedience study, it fascinated me how much humans are influenced by the presence of other humans, how easy it is for change our behaviour in order to fit in and how much damage people can potentially cause without even considering the consequences due to deindividuation
I'd like to take my interest and knowledge of these subjects to a higher level, to broaden my understandings and be able to apply this to the specified field of study. I intend to gain a career in this field once I have finished my education where I will be able to use and apply my newly found knowledge. After I have finished university I hope to use my newly developed skills to gain a career in the psychology pathway, either as a clinical psychologist or working in the field of mental health as a mental health