Supervision Scenario Case #1
In the first supervision scenario there is an example of patient’s noncompliance with MDs protocol. The orthopedic MD should be contacted by PT prior to initiation of exercises to verify for any protocol adjustments.
Since this case involves stretching that requires continuous examination and evaluation throughout the intervention it’s required to be performed exclusively by the physical therapist as stated in APTA Guidelines: “The physical therapist’s scope of practice as defined by the American Physical Therapy Association Guide to Physical Therapist Practice includes interventions performed by physical therapists. These interventions include procedures performed exclusively by physical therapists and selected interventions that can be performed by the physical therapist assistant under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist. Interventions that require immediate and continuous examination and evaluation throughout the intervention are performed exclusively by the physical therapist.” [1]
However ATCs are trained and allowed to perform stretching for athletes since it’s part of athletic rehabilitation as supported by Illinois Athletic Trainers Practice Act: “[…] H. Provision of on-site injury care and evaluation as well as appropriate transportation, follow-up treatment and rehabilitation as necessary for all injuries sustained by athletes in the program.” [2]
Assignment #3
Supervision Scenario Case #1
I think the intervention could be delegated to ATC since Illinois Athletic Trainers Practice Act supports that. However according to APTA Guidelines for supervision of support personnel it should be performed under direct personal supervision as stated: “Physical therapy aides are any support personnel who perform designated tasks related to the operation of the physical therapy service. […] Direct personal supervision requires that the physical therapist, or where allowable by law, the