1. What is the moon phase that is completely dark?
3. What is the moon phase that is completely lit?
5. The motion of one object around another.
7. What happens when objects from space crash into the moon?
9. The light colored streaks that extend outwards from some craters.
14. What is the moon phase that only has a small part on the left that is not showing; losing light?
15. One complete _____ means a whole day has been completed.
16. What is the moon phase that only has a small part on the left that is not showing; gaining light?
17. What is the moon phase that only has the western half of the moon lit?
19. What is a day when Earth’s rotation axis is the most toward or away from the sun?
2. This is the moon phase
that is almost completely dark; the left side is lit?
4. What is the spinning and orbiting of Earth?
6. What is the portion of the Moon or a planet reflecting light as seen from Earth?
8. What is the shape of Earth’s orbit?
9. The line on which an object is.
10. What are the large, dark, and flat areas on the moon?
11. What is the shape of the Earth?
12. The path an object follows as it moves around another object.
13. What was created when a Mars sized object crashed into the Earth?
16. This is the moon phase that slowly starting to regain light; the right side is lit?
18. What is the moon phase that only has the eastern half of the moon lit?